I also get exasperated at people who say that they are going to end sex based violence. Like this is something so trivial and easily solved. Instead, it's so widespread and deeply ingrained that stopping it will require strategies we haven't even thought of yet dispite all our years of striving. See below: you may be maimed for simply neglecting to say "Good morning."
Great article and well put. Of course DA will never end and to say it will end, I fear still buys into fears of those that have not suffered it, into thinking something went wrong for it to happen/ that someone did something to cause it. Nobody wants a society plagued with DA and some out there think it has to end, but it will never end. But we can educate and address it at its root cause and reduce the numbers impacted hopefully. There needs to be a total shift in thinking around DA. Your blog tackles that head on and I hope that you are heard on this.
Thank you Sharon. It certainly doesn’t seem like Domestic Violence is going away anytime soon, and it certainly seems the systems in place are actually perpetuating the abuse and empowering abusers to continue in a lot of ways. I’ve resigned myself and do my best to keep my children as safe from it as much as I can. I know I can’t fully protect myself though and always run the risk my children will be exposed to more abuse if my children are forced through the family Courts to comply to things they don’t feel safe with simply because they are children and not deemed to have a voice. Now this may seem controversial, since Social Services, Family Courts and all say they make child led decisions. I have unfortunately witnessed them doing the opposite and instead giving priority to an abusive parent’s rights with dire consequences.
I also get exasperated at people who say that they are going to end sex based violence. Like this is something so trivial and easily solved. Instead, it's so widespread and deeply ingrained that stopping it will require strategies we haven't even thought of yet dispite all our years of striving. See below: you may be maimed for simply neglecting to say "Good morning."
Great article and well put. Of course DA will never end and to say it will end, I fear still buys into fears of those that have not suffered it, into thinking something went wrong for it to happen/ that someone did something to cause it. Nobody wants a society plagued with DA and some out there think it has to end, but it will never end. But we can educate and address it at its root cause and reduce the numbers impacted hopefully. There needs to be a total shift in thinking around DA. Your blog tackles that head on and I hope that you are heard on this.
Thank you Sharon. It certainly doesn’t seem like Domestic Violence is going away anytime soon, and it certainly seems the systems in place are actually perpetuating the abuse and empowering abusers to continue in a lot of ways. I’ve resigned myself and do my best to keep my children as safe from it as much as I can. I know I can’t fully protect myself though and always run the risk my children will be exposed to more abuse if my children are forced through the family Courts to comply to things they don’t feel safe with simply because they are children and not deemed to have a voice. Now this may seem controversial, since Social Services, Family Courts and all say they make child led decisions. I have unfortunately witnessed them doing the opposite and instead giving priority to an abusive parent’s rights with dire consequences.