Football tournaments like Superbowls also increase the demands for prostitution (although trafficking goes on everyday with or without male sports fans). Unfortunately, most of the studies and reports on this cater to the perspective of the commercial sex industry or to the consumers of prostituted sex ignoring the many women's organigations that deal with the problem on a grassroots level. One of the organizations that has provided the best research is Prostitution Research and Education (PRE) with Melissa Farley.
Football tournaments like Superbowls also increase the demands for prostitution (although trafficking goes on everyday with or without male sports fans). Unfortunately, most of the studies and reports on this cater to the perspective of the commercial sex industry or to the consumers of prostituted sex ignoring the many women's organigations that deal with the problem on a grassroots level. One of the organizations that has provided the best research is Prostitution Research and Education (PRE) with Melissa Farley.