Jan 20Liked by Sharon Bryan

Excellent summary! And a much needed little reminder..... after having attended this course by Sharon, following an awful abusive relationship- spanning over 3 years (only 1 of which we were together , the other 2 have been the backlash of ending things) I can honestly say I am now so aware of the red flags.

For years , in many relationships I ignored red flags, I attracted / gravitated towards abusive men.... it’s not been until this last year and a half I have reflected upon why this is.... and as you say Sharon- I feel there is no one main reason, but multiple. These being you’re own low self esteem, believing you aren’t worthy of any better or in the case of a pure narcissistic partner seeking you out -you’re a strong independent , intelligent woman and you have attributes they need or want in their life. I have tried to date but am so switched on now I see red flags very soon and have walked away from a handful of potential daters..... stil single and not settling. forever grateful to myself for putting the work in but also to the course ❤️🙌🏻

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We're human, and have hope. We're not to blame. I've berated myself for too long for being such a fool, but I was simply open and honest and lied to. Sharon, you're a beacon and inspiration, thank goodness for you and working with us. You get it and keep striving, despite all kinds of hardships. Life is full of ups and downs, how we cope with it, is what matters. X .

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