Sharon, your strength is an inspiration to others. All over the world women, children, and men are being bombed, threatened and have to leave their homes to seek safety as refugees. For millions of women threats, assaults, rape and terrorism from male violence occur on a regular basis, without war, causing them to leave their homes to seek refuge. But such women refugees rarely make the headlines even when their abuse results in a bizarre murder like Renee Godwin or Jessica Chambers. Your voice speaking out helps pierce the silence about this ongoing terrorism. I know the year ahead will be a challenging one for you, so put your wellbeing and health on the top of your agenda before all else.

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You are right to comment on it each and every year Sharon as it’s true for so many victims. And it’s important for those trying to better understand domestic abuse to know and, really know, how dangerous this time of year is.. and how the new year brings an inner strength to seek refuge and not see another year/ another Christmas, filled with abuse. Sending love your way always xx

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