Thanks for the likes on this blog. I have had several private messages saying how eye opening this was.

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I had just been on the phone for Housing assistance when your blog popped up! I was forced to leave my home and job up in the air, so can't get the help I need (unless I do all the 'work' and handover the property to lawyers and the government for legal aid) The continued abuse deeply effects my day to day, and with little kids, I have to put my emotional wellbeing first and leave the finances to crumble and rely on family to keep us off the streets.

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Hi Newbie,

Thank you for taking the time to comment. I am so sorry to hear of your situation and as I said in my blog, this is sadly what happens and people do not realise how difficult it is to 'leave' . As you are probably aware, Legal Aid do not take into consideration that although your name may be on a mortgage, this is not disposable money they can use to live! If there is anything I can do to help or advise, drop me a line. Sharon X

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